Don’t waste time to copy the information of your candidate or your contact from LinkedIn to your application. Use our chrome extension to import them automaticaly. This typo free tools will copy all the information about a profil to our database. Name, email, phone number, experience, education and skills will be downloaded in one click from majors profile display plaform’s (LinkedIn, Indeed, Github, Monster, … ) at the tips of your finger making you free of those platform and having a standardized view of your candidate.
With the sequences tool, you can send a series of targeted, timed emails to nurture a candidate over time. You have the ability to:
Fire off rich-text email & SMS messages to candidates right from their profile or from your favorite email client.
Nextal keeps all your conversations up-to-date and available to your hiring team, so anyone can get up to speed at a moment’s notice with a peek through the candidate’s profile.
Read-receipts let you know when your candidate has read your last emails, so you can plan accordingly.
Don’t have to waste time switching back and forth between programs. Email Synchronisation is a simple feature that significantly streamlines your customer communications.
We guarantee, you will not use any other service like ours. It’s that good!
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