Don’t waste time to copy the information of your candidate or your contact from LinkedIn to your application. Use our chrome extension to import them automaticaly. This typo free tools will copy all the information about a profil to our database. Name, email, phone number, experience, education and skills will be downloaded in one click from majors profile display plaform’s (LinkedIn, Indeed, Github, Monster, … ) at the tips of your finger making you free of those platform and having a standardized view of your candidate.
By using our Browser extention you will reduce the data entry by more that 90%. Without our tool you team member will have to copy manually all the information manually from those website to your application. Our tool will make it in a matter of second instead of minutes. You task force is better used to do other task than copying information.
Copying data can from all these social can be long and tedious. It can also intruduce mistake and inform.ation might be forgotten. You can trust our browser extension and our integration efficient and safe. All the information of the profil you are looking at will be saved in an instant and merge with the rest of the profil we already have about your candidate or client
You wont need to get an account on all those platform longer than you need it. If you stop your subcription to those platform you will still be able to get the contact information of all your candidates ou contacts. Using our extension all those information will be store in our databases for ever.
Every members of your team bring his connections to improve the common databases. All the connections from your employee can be added to the database in order to share their information.
Data can come from multiple sources, our extension will ensure that the information are merge in order to reduce duplication. Our algorithm us many information to find similar candidate and merge them if it find similarities.
Our extension is matching candidate as you add them. If we find a matching candidate we won’t create a duplicate but instead merge the information, creating a more complete profile.
We guarantee, you will not use any other service like ours. It’s that good!
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