Post your job on job boards

Why should you have to copy paste all your job posting on all every job board when this can be :

  • Automated
  • Secure
  • Synchronized
  • Efficient

Our platform will ensure to publish your job to the job board that make the most sense for your industrie ensuring that the content of your job description is in sync on every board but also be sure to remove them as soon as you find the matching candidate

We do the heavy lifting for you

No need to worry on how to publish your job posting we take care of it. We will also ensure that any update you do to your job posting will be replicated on every network. You also won’t have to worry if one of the partner change their job posting process we will do it for you.

The right job board for your industry

Job board are usually specific based on your industry but also based on your country. In order to ensure that you reach the correct candidate our tool ensure to publish you job to the correct board for you.

Find what work best for you

Thank to our analytics platform you can find out which job board works the best for you. Stop spending hundred of dollars on job advertising on platform that do not convert candidate to applicant or even worst that provide the wrong candidates.